The booking-references endpoint maps meeting details to bookings. For example, if you're using Cal Video
as the video conferencing meeting location, this BookingReferences Object will contain all the meeting details such as meeting URL, meeting ID, any password associated with it, etc.
Booking Reference Object
Attribute | Description |
id | integer The `id` of the booking reference, generated automatically |
type | string The type of the booking reference. Eg. `daily_video` for Cal Video |
uid | string The meeting uid |
meetingId | string The meeting Id |
thirdPartyRecurringEventId | string In case of a recurring event, this will hold the third-party recurring event Id |
meetingPassword | string The meeting room password |
meetingUrl | URL The meeting room URL |
booking | Booking Object The booking object linked to this booking reference via the `bookingId`. Please check the Bookings endpoint for details on the Booking Object |
bookingId | integer The `id` of the booking linked to this booking reference |
externalCalendarId | string The external Calendar Id of the linked booking |
deleted | boolean If the booking reference is deleted |
credentialId | integer The credential Id |
Example Booking References Object
{ "booking_reference": { "id": 313131, "type": "daily_video", "bookingId": 252525, "uid": "kI812345lKdMGCG5Afas", "meetingId": "kI812345lKdMGCG5Afas", "meetingPassword": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJyIjoia0k4b2hMbDJ3amxLZE1HQ0c1QWYiLCJleHAiOjE3MjI0OTc0MDAsIm8iOnRydWUsImVydWkiOmZhbHNlLCJkIjoiYmJkOThhNzEtMTljOS00YmIxLWE1YzUtY2FmMWVjNWJkMTA1IiwiaWF0IjoxNzIwODY4MjY5fQ.BhS8knskb_2LN5NCQShbrEnUuPH1chkpJcPqDOY9Ypc", "meetingUrl": "", "deleted": null } }
Find all booking references
This endpoint can be used to fetch all booking-references of all bookings of the user.
Create a new booking reference
This endpoint can be used to create a booking-reference for a booking of the user.
Find a booking reference
This endpoint can be used to fetch a booking-reference for a booking of the user.
Edit an existing booking reference
This endpoint can be used to edit one of the fields of a booking-reference for a booking of the user.
Remove an existing booking reference
This endpoint can be used to delete a booking-reference for a booking of the user.